Advanced Computational Electricity Systems (ACES) Laboratory

Welcome! to the ACES Laboratory in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech. The ACES Laboratory is an advanced environment for the development of transformational research to address challenging problems in electricity grids by the use of sophisticated software, algorithms, big data, and computation methods. We focus on the “systems” aspects of the electricity grid at all scales, from bulk power systems to home appliances.


ACES Research Areas

  • Real-Time Power System Control, Operation and Computation
  • Renewable Energy Integration into the Grid
  • Electricity Economics, Markets and Planning
  • Energy Prosumers and Energy Internet
  • Cyber-Physical Security of Energy Systems

Director: Prof. Santiago Grijalva

Prof. Santiago Grijalva

Dr. Santiago Grijalva is the Southern Company Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is a leading researcher on power system operation, electricity markets, and smart grids. He is a pioneer in the areas of decentralized power system control, DER integration into the grid, and Internet of Energy. Prior to joining Georgia Tech in 2009, he spent 10 years in the power industry, developing of commercial grade algorithms for real-time power system control, optimization, and visualization. He graduated with his M.Sc. and PhD degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999 and 2002, respectively.

Prof. Grijalva’s official profile


Undergraduate Courses

ECE4320 Power System Analysis and Control Download File

ECE4321 Power System Engineering Download File

Graduate Courses

ECE8813 Smart Electricity Grids, Fall 2019 Download File

ECE6320 Power System Operation and Control, Fall 2023 DowloadFile

ECE6337 Power System Economics and Electricity Markets, Spring 2019 Download File

ACES Current Team Members

Ph.D. Students

  1. Samuel Talkington
    Dissertation Topic: Data-Driven Methods for Estimation of PV Inverters in Distribution Power Systems
  2. Jorge Fernandez
    Dissertation Topic: Integration of Flexible Electric Vehicle Charging s in Distribution Systems
  3. Yiming Chen
    Dissertation Topic: Advanced Techno-Economic Analysis Methods for Emerging Grid Technologies
  4. Amanda West
    Dissertation Topic: Equity and Distributed Energy Resources

M.S. Students

  1. Joseph Keller
    Project: Cyber-Physical Cyber-Security of Electricity Grids

Past ACES Members

Postdoctoral Fellows

  1. Masoud Nazari, Postdoctoral Fellow, January 2012-May 2015
    Research Topic: Distributed Frequency Regulation
  2. Neetesh Saxena, Postdoctoral Fellow, September 2015- May, 2017
    Research Topic: Cyber-Physical Grid Security
  3. Yiping Yi, Visiting Scholar, July 2013-July 2014
    Research Topic: Power System Dynamics
  4. Karl Mason, Post-doctoral Fellow, November 2018-May 2020
    Research Topic: Physics-based Machine Learning Methods for PV Analysis in Electric Distribution Circuits.
  5. Shuva Paul, Post-doctoral Fellow, 2021-2022
    Research Topics: a) Power System Cyber-Security Simulation, b) Machine Learning Methods for PV Analysis in Electric Distribution Circuits.
  6. Younes Seyedi, Postdoctoral Fellow, January-Oct 2022
    Research Topics: Synchrophasor analytics, power system microgrid protections.

Ph.D. Students

  1. Nathan Ainsworth, May 2014.
    Dissertation: Towards a Distributed Control Regime for Robust Synchronization and Power Sharing of Inverter-Based Power Networks
  2. Jorge Hernandez, December 2014
    Dissertation: Third Harmonic Management and Flexible Charging for the Integration of Electric Vehicles into the Grid
  3. Tanguy Hubert, May, 2015,
    Dissertation: Decision-Making in the Future Electricity Grid: Home Energy Management, Pricing Design, and Architecture Development
  4. Mitch Costley, May 2015.
    Prosumer-Based Decentralized Unit Commitment for Future Electricity Grids
  5. Matthew Reno, May 2015.
    Dissertation: Streamlined Interconnection Analysis of Distributed PV Using Advanced Simulation Methods
  6. James Thomas, December, 2015
    Dissertation: Impact of Power Flow Router Control on Electricity Markets
  7. Alyse Taylor, December 2015
    Dissertation: Informing the US Electricity Policy: Three Independent Data-Driven Policy Tools to Support Regulators, Policy Makers, and Utilities
  8. Jouni Peppanen, May 2016
    Dissertation: Improving Distribution System Model Accuracy by Leveraging Ubiquitous Sensors
  9. Xiaochen Zhang, Ph.D. December, 2017,
    Dissertation: Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics for the Smart Grid
  10. Marcelo Sandoval, Ph.D., May 2018
    Dissertation: Valuation Methodology of Distributed Energy Resources Portfolios based on an Electric Grid Business Model Innovation Framework for Renewable Energy Integration.
  11. Jeremiah Deboever, Ph.D., May 2018
    Dissertation: Fast Interconnection Analysis of PV Systems Using Vector Quantization
  12. Victor Chukwuka, Ph.D. August, 2018
    Dissertation: Co-Simulation and Design of Cyber-Physically Secure Bulk Electric Power Grids.
  13. Leilei Xiong, Ph.D. December, 2018
    Dissertation: Decentralized Cyber-Physical Security Applications for the Future Grid Energy Management System.
  14. Umer Qureshi, Ph.D. May 2019
    Dissertation: Fast QSTS Applications for PV Hosting Capacity
  15. Sadegh Vejdan, Ph.D. December 2019
    Dissertation: Assessment of Energy Storage Services
  16. Evgeniya Tsybina, Ph.D. December, 2021
    Dissertation: Essays on Economics of Distributed Energy
  17. Yu-Chen Cheng, Ph.D. May, 2022
    Dissertation: Cyber-Physical Security

 M.S. Students

  1.  Tanguy Hubert, M.Sc., August 2010.
    Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Software Tool for Day-Ahead and Real-Time Electricity Grid Optimal Management at the Residential level from a Customer’s Perspective.
  2. Taylor Hollis, M.Sc., August 2011,
    Thesis: Energy and Reserve Market Redesign for Networks with Massive Solar Penetration
  3. Ayusman Roy, M.Sc., December 2011, Non-Thesis Graduate Research Assistant
    Project Title: Unified Generalized State Estimation
  4. Silvana Gamboa, M.Sc. E.E. Department, EPN-Ecuador, Feb. 2008
    Thesis: Analysis of Wind Generation Effects on Large-Scale Power Systems
  5. Andrés Narvaez, M.Sc. E.E. Department, EPN-Ecuador, Feb. 2015
    Thesis: Real-Time Power System Robust State Estimation
  6. Lourdes Farinango, M.Sc. E.E. Department, EPN Ecuador, December, 2015
    Thesis: Real-Time Power System Robust State Estimation
  7. Nathan Ainsworth, M.Sc. August, 2010
    Project Title: Autonomous Grid Control
  8. Kyle Coogan, M.Sc., December 2013
    Project Title: Advanced PV Integration
  9. Jose Grimaldo, M.Sc. December, 2013
    Project Title: Smart Energy Campus
  10. Taylor Hollis, M.Sc. August 2011
    Project Title: Integration of Distributed Resources in Power Systems
  11. Nataraj Kaushik, M.Sc. CS, May 2014
    Project Title: Distributed Control Architecture: Cyber-Security
  12. Xiaohui Luo, M.Sc. CS, May 2012
    Project Title: Power System Visualization using CPU
  13. Arun Narasimhan, M.Ss. CS, May 2014
    Project Title: Distributed Control Architecture: Software Integration
  14. Ayusman Roy, MSc ECE, December 2011
    Project Title: Unified Models for Contingency Analysis
  15. Mohini Thakkar, M.Sc. CS, May 2014
    Project Title: Smart Energy Campus Visualization
  16. Manish Choudhary, M.Sc. CS, May 2015
    Project Title: Cyber-Physical Security Assessment
  17. Jennifer Howard, M.Sc. ECE May, 2015
    Project Title: Distributed Grid Control
  18. David Diaz, M.Sc. ECE December 2018
    Project: Leveraging the Linear Sensitivity Analysis in PV Hosting Capacity Calculations
  19. Anand Kumar, M.Sc. ECE, May 2019
    Project: Leveraging Linear Approximation in PV Hosting Capacity
  20. Ahmad Khan
    Project Title: “Physic-Based Machine Learning for PV Hosting Capacity”
  21. Miguel Jimenez Aparicio
    Thesis: “Machine-Learning Applications for Distributed Energy Resources”
  22. Cristian Gomez Peces
    Thesis: “Estimation of PV Location and Size Based on Voltage Sensitivity Analysis”
  23. Jordan Sihno Mbeleg
    Project Title: “Physic-Based Machine Learning for PV Hosting Capacity”

Undergraduate Students

  1. Ayusman Roy, Fall, 2010
    Project: Unified Models for Power System Contingency Analysis
  2. Kyle Koogan, 2012-2013
    Project: PV Hosting Capacity and Distribution System Simulations
  3. Ana Labeca, Summer, 2015
    Project: PV Hosting Capacity and Distribution System Simulations
  4. Vidhi Mansharamani, 2018
    Project: Smart Meter Data Analytics